
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sickness Sucks 

I have been home in bed with a flu / bronchitis for three days now. The boredom is killing me. I haven't blogged because there hasn't been much to blog about except to say - yes, coughing up more yellow phlegm today. And what a lovely image that inspires, eh?

Now the really big bummer? I had planned to go surfing with a friend tomorrow. We planned this trip three weeks ago and I have been looking forward to it with great anticipation. I haven't been surfing since the end of last summer, so I was intensely psyched to have a start to this surfing season. But now I don't think I should go. I'm imagining breathing in salt water from the ocean, as I am want to do when surfing. Somehow I don't think that would be good for this chest cold. [sigh] I'm quite disappointed. The cough and sore throat have improved from the first 24 hours of antibiotics. But I still don't want to push it.

On top of that, I had to cancel my date with The Boyfriend yesterday (yes, he is no longer the "unboyfriend"). The cancelled date led me into a hole of self-pity. The Boyfriend and I have rescheduled for tomorrow night, so hopefully I will be feeling substantially better by then. :-) Send me some happy, healthy thoughts!


i am lurking for a sex post!!
Bethanie - LOL. I can see where your mind is! Of course, I won't deny mine hasn't been there as well. No news as yet to report on that front.

Dee-Sign - How nice to hear from you! It's been a long time! I hope you're well!
When I was in the Caribbean I heard of an old Jamaican cold remedy which was basically dunking your head in the ocean. It might give you an excuse to hit the beach tomorrow. I'm not convinced it works but it makes a good comment anyway. Get better soon.
Just think, you'll be so well rested after three days of the blahs that you'll be ready to go kick butt for weeks.
I heard that surfing cures colds ;)

He's not just the boyfriend, he's your boyfriend, Honey!
Can't breath? Don't surf. Sorry…but you won't enjoy it!! Hooray to boyfriend, and don't be sad, at least you can get a date ;-)
Surfing...something I haven't done in over a decade, is it still as fun as I remember?
Wow. You guys are awesome - comments are a sure cure for the flu! :-)

Maddy - I will try your remedy. I've been sleeping a fair amount, though I don't feel I have much choice. The lethargy just comes over me and I surrender. :-)

Sean - Sounds like a great excuse to go for it. Though I've decided not to go after all. If I feel up to just one activity today, I'd rather spend it with The Boyfriend.

Neal - Thank you for reminding me there is a light at the end of this tunnel. I get so impatient with being sick.

Jenny - *HUGE GRIN* Yes, he is MY boyfriend. Okay, now I'm feeling all giddy and happy again, despite my flu.

Surfergrl - You're right. I wouldn't have enjoyed it nearly as much as usual. So I decided not to go. Good advice. And this way, hopefully I'll get better sooner and can go on a date sooner. ;-)

Debra - It's funny, the first few days people kept offering to bring me stuff and I turned them all down. Now that this is dragging on days, I'm wishing I was still getting those phone calls. I could use a DVD and more cold medicine and I'm feeling less like going outside and a stronger desire to hybernate until I get better.

John B - Well, it's now been months since I've been surfing myself. But it sure is one of my favorite natural highs in life. Why'd you quit?
hope you are feeling better by now. drink lots of orange juice. that always helps me :)
try smoking a cig

that'll usually dry out your lung cookies
... i mean, you'll get cancer, but man will you ahve some dry lungs
it doesn't suck .. it just makes you appreciate the times you are not sick.

i've had flu too .. 5 days now .. but much better than when it started .. hope u feel better ... what maddy said is right .. u should try it as I did and feel much better
Lorena - I'm feeling much better now. Thank you for your well wishes.

Exile - You are a nut. LOL.

Nabeel - Okay. Well, you're right about appreciating everything more. But I'm still not convinced that being sick doesn't just suck. :-)
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