
Sunday, May 14, 2006

It's Hot! 

Conversation at work today:

ME (to building management at work): Can you all do something about the heat up here. It's like a sauna on our ward today. We're all sweating.

Noel: Yeah, look at the sheet of sweat on my palms!

Mindy: A guy friend of mine was telling me he had a procedure done that neurologically prevents his palms from sweating. But I was at dinner with him the other night and instead of his palms sweating, his forehead was dripping after eating spicy food.

Noel: It's like some sort of compensatory reaction, huh?

ME: Yeah, a little bit of sweat can be a good thing - kind of sexy. But a lot of sweat is just gross.

Mindy (laughing): Totally!

Alice: Yeah, there is like that whole sexy man smell thing I like. A little bit of sweat mixed with the scent of his deodorant.

ME: Yeah, my boyfriend rode his bike over to my house the other day and was a little sweaty when he got there. He warned me he was sweaty, but when I smiled and snuggled in, he said, "you don't seem to mind." I don't! I think it's totally sexy that he was a little sweaty from riding his bike to my apartment!

Alice: I like when a swimmer guy sweats out chlorine. That's my favorite. Something about that clean chlorine smell mixed with their sweat. Only another swimmer girl would think that was sexy, though.

Mindy: Yeah, if they've done some kind of activity and got a little sweaty, that's definitely sexy and nice. But if they are just sweaty in general. Ew.


Okay, being the nurse that I am, I was inspired by JennyNYC's comment about testosterone and had to look into it. This is what I learned:

Though I couldn't find solid evidence that testosterone causes sweating, I did learn that when men exercise vigorously, they sweat out a testosterone derivative. That may explain the sex appeal of sweaty men - as testosterone increases libido in both men and women.

In addition:

"Researchers [identified] the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) gene sequence-the genetic inheritance for your odor and scent preferences-of 49 females, their parents, and six men selected for diverse HLA types and ethnicity. Women were found to prefer the scent of men who had HLA types similar to their fathers."

Okay, can we say "ew" again? I definitely don't think the BF smells anything like my father! Thank God! That's just creepy.

Several of my friends are on T which makes going dancing with them like a rainshower. yuck!
I didn't know that testosterone makes you sweat. Fascinating! So is there testosterone in their sweat then, too? ;-)
hmmmm... i think i'm going to try this. if you girls want to use me as a guinnie pig i'm game.

i can try working out before i see my girl and see if she's turned on by my man musk.

the question is: is it heat sweat, nervous sweat, or athletic sweat? and does it make a difference.

let me know (seeing as though you are an RN) how we should go about this test.
I think you should spend one day doing each and see if there is a difference. I'm thinking athletic sweat is the only effective option. ;-)
There is an analytic saying: "First you marry your mother, then you marry your father." Meaning, first you marry or have a serious relationship with someone who has characteristics similar to your mother, and then someone with similarities to your father. This just came to mind with the sweat comment. Sorry to gross you out even more :).
incest alert!!!
jenny- um, atleast you'll save on gifts to buy durring christmas...
Exile, LOLOL!!!
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