
Friday, May 12, 2006

[Insert Your Title for this Post Here] 

My boyfriend's artwork is blatantly focused on breakups.

My career (which I am very passionate about) is narrowly concentrated on death.

Either we are incredibly well-suited for one another, sharing a morbid fascination with endings...


we're both doomed.


Stay tuned for the answer.

BTW - I accidentally left my cell phone at his house this morning, so if you are trying to reach me today, you may want to call my land line. Almost no one knows my land line number. So if you need my land line number, you will need to email me.

Okay. I have wracked my brain trying to come up with a title for this post based on its content. I have never once been so stumped. Okay, well, I did think of one, but it was just way way way too inappropriate. Does anyone have any suggestions?

it's ok to think about the end of things, but only when it makes the now better.

i have no idea what my landline number is either, i forgot i had one for a while.

post title: Now That I Know I'm Doomed I Better Look For My Cell Phone

(e-mail me sk8rn!)
"Apocalyptic Ponderings"
Perhaps the simple title, Doom?
Doom... apocalypse... and doom. Wow. You guys are making me feel really optimistic here. Not one of you suggested that we're actually just a good match.
Wow, just saw his art, totally amazing!
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