
Friday, April 07, 2006

Air Guitar 

My dear friend Bettie emailed me today to tell me that the Air Guitar Championship is coming up this May in San Francisco.

I *love* playing air guitar. Granted I usually incorporate it into a routine for dancing around my apartment or during karaoke... But nonetheless, I was intrigued that such competitions exist.

During a trip to New Orleans in 2003, I had an opportunity to share my air guitar talents in a public venue.

While at the Shim Sham club, dancing to 80’s music, Prince’s “Let’s Go Crazy” came on. I have an absolutely irresistable desire to drop to my knees during the air guitar solo towards the end of that song. It's almost become a routine - or bad habit, one might argue. Not that I listen to that song all that often - now that would be undoubtedly a bad habit. ;-)

This time, with eyes closed in my passionate dramatization of playing lead guitar, I dropped to my knees, as always. And when I opened my eyes, I had a close up view of my very-gay friend Bob's leg.

Now... a girl and a guy dancing together at a dance club... people are probably going to make assumptions about sexuality. But, I was terribly embarrassed to think that I may have perpetuated those misconceptions in my blind enthusiasm for the music and my dropping into accidental worship of Bradley’s leg.

Despite the blushed face that ensued, I continued to have a great time dancing away to 80’s tunes. But that may have been the end of my air guitar tour.

For more info, also check out Air Guitar Nation. I feel like I've landed on a whole new continent. I had no idea how big air guitar was!

I LOVE "Let's Go Crazy"

It is soooo great!
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